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Stay up-to-date with the latest news on supply chain regulations.
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What You Need To Know About


What is it?


The Act requires companies with at least $330 million in annual gross revenue to report on measures taken to address the risk of forced labor in their operations and supply chains. The reporting requirements are aligned with international standards, and companies must provide information on their policies, due diligence, and remediation efforts.

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements can result in fines and reputational damage. The Act is part of a global trend towards increased regulatory scrutiny of supply chain practices and underscores the importance of companies proactively addressing human rights risks in their operations.

Who is it for?

Any Company That Is Listed On Stock Exchange In Canada; Or Has A Place Of Business In Canada, Does Business In Canada Or Has Assets In Canada And (Based On Its Consolidated Financial Statements) Meets At Least Two Of The Following Conditions For At Least One Of Its Two Most Recent Financial Years.

  • Any Company That Has At Least $20 Million In Assets
  • Any Company That Has Generated At Least $40 Million In Revenue
  • Any Company That Employs An Average Of At Least 250 Employees
What are the penalties?

The Act Grants Significant Investigative Authority To Individuals Appointed By The Minister, And The Minister Has Wide Discretion To Demand Any Measures Deemed Necessary To Ensure Compliance From An Entity.

Failure to comply with the Act, including failing to prepare or publish a report, refusing to assist or obstructing an investigation, or disobeying a corrective order, constitutes an offense punishable by summary conviction and a fine of over $250,000.

Providing knowingly false or misleading information to the minister or designated personnel also constitutes an offense, punishable by summary conviction and a fine of up to $250,000. Furthermore, any director, officer, agent, or employee who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in, or participated in the offense is liable for the punishment provided for the offense, regardless of whether or not the entity was prosecuted or convicted.

What are the requirements?

Structure, activities and supply chains

FRDM risk maps your supply chain and monitors risk at all levels, including risky commodities like cobalt, cotton and palm oil.


Policies and due diligence processes in relation to forced/child labor

FRDM helps assess your company’s policies and procedures as well as federating the policies and procedures of all suppliers.


Activities and supply chains that carry a risk of forced or child labor

Reporting must include information about a company's risk analysis of the entire supply chain and the steps it has taken to assess and manage that risk. FRDM’s risk algorithm is trusted by businesses and governments to determine risk and prioritize oversight. All mitigation activities are logged on FRDM with ability to report out.


Measures taken to remediate forced or child labour

Once risk is determined FRDM offers multiple mitigation tools to address risk.


Measures taken to remediate the loss of income

incurred by the most vulnerable families that results from any measure taken to eliminate the use of forced or child labour from its activities and supply chains. If an infraction is found, FRDM can assist in any remediation efforts. 5% of your subscription fee is donated to charities working to reduce forced and child labor.


Training provided to employees

on forced and child labour; and process for assessing its effectiveness in ensuring that forced and child labour are not being used in its activities and supply chains.FRDM has some of the world’s best training material about forced labor. FRDM owns and controls, the world’s largest awareness app on forced labor which has informed over 35 million people worldwide.

FRDM is here to help, so please don't hesitate to reach out
if you have any questions.