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New regulations and investor requirements are driving companies to map emissions in their supply chain.
This is an arduous task for teams requiring extensive resources and time. FRDM’s GHG Module maps, monitors, and manages GHG emissions in your supply chain (Scope 3) in line with Carbon Disclosure Project, GHG Protocol  and other leading frameworks.

FRDM uses AI driven supply chain mapping and risk ranking to prioritize carbon intense verticals and delivers intuitive tools and workflows that suppliers can easily participate in.

New regulations like CSRD and EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) now require GHG accounting (Scope 3). This module makes data collection and calculations simple and saving you precious  time and resources.
Why Now
Companies need to accelerate progress toward their emission-reductions goals, but are struggling due to a lack of supply chain visibility. FRDM helps shed light on the biggest sources of emissions across the entire supplier network. These insights can help companies see where they need to focus their efforts to have the biggest impact.

Reducing scope three emissions in supply chains is crucial for companies looking to achieve their sustainability goals, and the statistics speak for themselves. According to a report by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), supply chain emissions account for an average of 5.5 times the emissions of a company's direct operations. This means that even if a company manages to reduce its direct emissions to zero, it will still have a significant environmental impact through its supply chain. By addressing scope three emissions, companies can reduce their overall carbon footprint and make a significant contribution to global efforts to combat climate change.
Scope 3 emissions are 11.4x greater than all other emissions combined.
Suppliers beyond Tier 1 represent 64% of total upstream emissions.
Up to 80% of upstream emissions come from international supply chains.
Primary Challenges Facing Companies.
Lack of
Supply Chain Visibility
is blocker for companies with emission-reduction goals.
Hidden “Hot Spots”
are hard to identify within large supplier base.
Sources of
emissions data
coming from undetectable sources.
Increasing Regulations and Requirements
from the SEC, the CSRD, and the ISSB.
Questionnaires and Audits
provide limited information, only tell part of the story.
High Cost
of gathering supplier data.
Emissions diversity
across industry and country.
Features include
  • Instant spend based factored emissions calculations (EEIO) for each supplier.
  • Industry / Country GHG intensity mapping.
  • Adverse media and legal alerts.
  • Product level GHG intensity mapping.
  • Cloud based multilingual supplier Scope 1,2,3 Calculators (free to supplier)
  • Supplier policy assessment and certifications gather (free to supplier)
  • Sub-Suppier GHG intensity mapping
  • Supplier improvement workflows
  • Intuitive reporting
How It Works
Using AI mapping, predictive analytics and GHG supplier calculators, FRDM offers a heat map and emissions reporting for any supply in your supply chain. FRDM uses only your basic available vendor data (supplier name, industry, location, spend, and purchase) so you don’t have to overburden your team and suppliers with difficult data requests.

FRDM runs constant adverse media checks for any mentions of emissions issues related to your suppliers.  Using just your basic spend data FRDM drives insights like spend based factored emissions with no need for consultants or internal teams to manage suppliers.
Spend Based Factored Emissions (EEIO)
Each of your supplier’s industry code (linked on FRDM) is linked to an equivalent emission factor that calculates the emissions associated with each dollar spent on the supplier annually. Emission factors are listed in kg of C02 per 2023 dollar (USD) spent (adjusted for inflation from the 2018 calculations). Emission factors come directly from the EPA. Once the dollar (USD)  amount is found, calculate the dollars spent per code by the associated emissions factor, this will give a kg of C02, which is then converted into metric tonnes of C02. You will find factored emission inside supplier profile, and total aggregated emissions on the impact page.FRDM allows you directly report spend based factored emissions into external reporting frameworks.
Supplier GHG Calculator
Supplier GHG Calculator is an optional tool any supplier can use to measure their Scope 1 and 2, each of which will be delivered to their supplier profile on your dashboard. Scope 1 calculations include heating, vehicles and machinery. Suppliers input data into the GHG Calculator which gets scored against the emission factor for each country the supplier        operates in.. Ex. TJ of crude oil is multiplied by the emission factor to give a kg of carbon. All Scope 1 calculations are then added into a “Scope 1 total,” divided by 1000 to get metric tonnes and then shared with the supplier in the format “MT CO2e”If a supplier has no machinery, or vehicles or heat on site paid for by them, they will report no Scope 1 emissions.
Scope 2 includes calculations of a supplier’s kWH.
A supplier will input each request, if they have data for it, and then the calculator calculates against the emission factor based on the countries they operate in.
All Scope 2 calculations are then added into a “Scope 2 total (g),” divided by 1,000,000 to get metric tonnes and then shared with the supplier in the format “MT CO2e”.
Supplier emissions reporting at scale regardless of supplier base size
Roll up Scope 3 emissions data ready for reporting
Heat map up to commodities level without supplier engagement
100% cloud based - no spreadsheets, emails, or consulting fees needed
Simple performance tracking and training
Intuitive reporting tools
How It Works
Each supplier gets a score based on FRDM’s supplier diversity risk algorithm along with any assessment information the supplier chooses to provide.
The supplier diversity risk algorithm consists of multiple indicators such as the DEI Country Index and the US Bureau Of Labor Statistics. Each supplier loaded into FRDM gets risk scored for the industry(s) it works in, country(s) it operates in, products or services it provides, and trading partners it does business with (requires Trading Partners Module). In addition FRDM screens for any adverse media involving your supplier related to supplier diversity risk keywords.
Suppliers can be invited  to link to your dashboard via their own SUPPLIER LINK DASHBOARD which allows them to provide relevant certifications, policy assessments, and additional information about diversity practices.

Supplier’s scores change accordingly based on the maturity of their certifications, policies, and additional information. FRDM aggregates all supplier scores into an impact page where you can track progress over time as well as generate reports for external use.
Reporting Frameworks
  • Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Compliance Reporting
  • GRI
  • SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
  • CSRD
Scope 3 reporting frameworks related to supply chains provide a structure for companies to report on their indirect emissions and sustainability efforts throughout their value chain. Two prominent frameworks are the GHG Protocol and the CDP's Supply Chain program.
The GHG Protocol provides a standard methodology for companies to measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions, including scope three emissions. It also provides guidance on how to set targets and develop a strategy to reduce emissions. The CDP's Supply Chain program focuses on supplier engagement and encourages companies to work with their suppliers to improve sustainability performance. The program requires companies to report on their supply chain emissions, risks, and opportunities, as well as their progress towards sustainability goals. Both frameworks aim to improve transparency and accountability related to scope three emissions and help companies reduce their environmental impact throughout their supply chains. FRDM’s Scope 3 Module was  primarily built around the CDP framework, but insights from this module can be used for GHG Protocol Reporting.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol

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